
To book an exceptional stay, Hotel ESTÉ offers exclusive offers and privileges here. Enjoy our tailor-made packages. Let yourself be carried away by passion with our Romantic Package, celebrate special moments with the Anniversary Package, or opt for our Prestige offer!



  • Valid every day of the week
  • Stay can be canceled up to 24 hours before the day of arrival
  • Up to -10% discount when booking on the website




  • All reservations must be guaranteed by a valid credit card
  • You will be asked for pre-authorization upon arrival by credit card or cash.

Birthday Package for a supplement of 49€ (1x bottle of wine Titi Bio, a Happy birthday sign, balloons, macarons and a personalized card)

Romantic Package for a supplement of 59€ (1x bottle of Champagne Laurent Perrier, rose petals, macarons and a personalized card)

Prestige Package for a supplement of 79€ (1x bottle of Champagne, rose petals, macarons, 45 minutes SPA access slot for 2 people).

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